Sole disinfection

The DZD disinfects soles by means of a disinfection bath. The bath is automatically topped-up with disinfectant. This means the systems never fails, and the excessive use of disinfectant is prevented. Regardless of which disinfectant you use, the splash protection makes sure the space around the DZD remains clean. After twenty-five passings the disinfection bath is automatically topped-up.

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  • Personal hygiene
  • Also available as built-in model
  • Connectable to a centralised chemical supply
  • Available as left-hand version
  • Available as right-hand version
  • Optional: double rail support
  • These products are certified by HACCP International
  • Made from stainless steel


The DZD disinfects soles by means of a disinfection bath. The bath is automatically topped-up with disinfectant. This means the systems never fails, and the excessive use of disinfectant is prevented. Regardless of which disinfectant you use, the splash protection makes sure the space around the DZD remains clean. After twenty-five passings the disinfection bath is automatically topped-up.


  • Automatic refreshing of disinfection bath
  • Drip-off zone
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Disinfectant level indicator

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As well as the DZD, Elpress also has a simpler version of disinfection bath. The bath is to be filled by hand and can be emptied by removing the stopper. 

The disinfection bath is provided with a sloping base and the plastic grilles can be removed easily. Furthermore, this design is also provided with a drainage area and there is a choice of add-on or built-in model.

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Disinfection bath

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In addition to sole cleaners, we also have a sole disinfection bath (DZD). Unlike the sole cleaners, the DZD uses a disinfection bath to disinfect the soles. The disinfection bath is topped up automatically, which avoids the excessive use of chemicals. The DZD has a splash protection feature and the bath is refreshed every 25 cycles. The DZD sole disinfection bath is available in several designs. The advantages of our sole cleaner: 

  • Automatically refreshed
  • Economic use of chemicals
  • Drip-off zone
  • Few seams and gaps

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Apart from sole disinfection, Elpress can realise total solutions for all your washing, cleaning and hygiene processes. With over 40 years of experience in industrial hygiene, our specialists are able to provide every organisation with advice and a suitable total solution. If you would like more information or have any further questions then please feel free to contact our head office at any time.

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Sole cleaner

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