The importance of maintaining your cleaning and food hoses properly

Food hose

You use them daily: the cleaning hoses and/or food grade hoses in your company. It’s important that these hoses are always in good condition. So you can be sure they are working properly and guaranteeing the necessary standards of hygiene.

As an operator of a business in the food industry, it is obviously very important and also essential that the materials you and your employees work with are of good quality. So that your production process runs smoothly and isn’t brought to a stop unnecessarily by defects. What’s more, good maintenance prevents dirt and bacteria getting into the food from your cleaning and food grade hoses.

Good quality cleaning hose

Your company’s food grade hoses must be of good quality and replaced in a timely manner. If you wait until a hose (unexpectedly) wears about before you replace it then your production process will grind to a halt.

Outdated cleaning- and food hoses

Ageing hoses can pose a risk to hygiene in your company. That’s because these hoses are stiffer, develop cracks – which aren’t visible at first sight – and become damaged. Their surface becomes rougher and bacteria can accumulate in and around the hose. Minuscule bits of the ageing inner or outer wall can also come loose and find their way into the food.

Regular maintenance for cleaning- and food  hoses

In order to monitor the quality of your  food grade and cleaning hoses, you can make use of our maintenance service. A service engineer will come to your company at the agreed times – e.g. every six weeks or four times a year – to check all the hoses and related components. This engineer is an expert in these matters and can objectively determine the condition of the hoses. Is there any damage, for example? Or is then any (invisible) wear? Does the hose need replacing or can it be used a little while longer? The service engineer will give you a clear recommendation and can replace the hose, if necessary. Always in consultation with you, of course.

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Jannes Voss

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