Good personal hygiene is a mindset

Good personal hygiene is a mindset

Every self-respecting agricultural entrepreneur knows how important hygiene is and that it makes a determinant contribution to the success of the business. That is why every facility has set up hygiene protocols. However, pursuing this has everything to do with the correct mindset.

At your farm you can easily come across many areas in the field of hygiene management. Think about clear walking routes in the shed, separate materials for each animal group, a well set-up hygienic entrance or changing room and work clothing and boots that are only worn in the shed. But that’s not all.


It is at least as important that you, your employees and visitors have the correct mindset. We would even dare to say that this is a crucial success factor for good hygiene management. This is because only if you are really aware of how important optimal hygiene is, can you maintain a good hygiene protocol. After all, how you, your employees and visitors act determines how great the risk of bringing in infectious germs is. Take this seriously every time you enter and leave the shed.


To create awareness among your employees and visitors, it is important that you can clearly show that good hygiene is really important to you. Ensure that you instruct your employees and visitors well, for example, on how they need to use the hygienic entrance. This can be done verbally, but also a clear information sign – possibly in several languages – with a clear description of the steps to take and the measures to follow, forms an important benefit with regard to hygiene management. This sign reminds those entering the shed how important good hygiene is and they will approach it with more awareness.


The best way of showing your employees and visitors how important you think hygiene is in your business, is by setting a good example yourself. So, use the hygienic entrance yourself, also following the established hygiene protocol, even if you only have to be in the shed for five minutes. And ensure that your facility is always kept clean and tidy. Have you seen your employee or visitors not following the hygiene protocols so closely? Then always speak to them and explain why good personal hygiene is essential. Flouting hygiene measures must be an absolute no go. Because aren't sick animals the last thing you want in your shed?


Elpress has developed a handy toolkit in which you can find various resources for applying personal hygiene on the shop floor. Download this special toolkit easily and quickly using the button below. 

Elpress Hygiene toolkit

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