Good hygiene in greenhouse horticulture: how do you motivate your employees?

As a business person in the greenhouse horticulture sector, you can put many measures in place to ensure good hygiene in the business. But however well you arrange everything with all the different kinds of equipment, it is also vital that your employees understand the importance of good hygiene and comply with the hygiene protocol.

When you invest in hygienic measures such as a hygiene lock, crate, pallet and tool washer, have a clear separation between clean and dirty zones, ensure thorough cleaning of the rooms and controlled access to the greenhouses, then you are obviously nice and busy. But all these good intentions will lose their added value if your employees fail to follow the hygiene rules. It is therefore important that they are motivated to follow the hygiene protocol and understand how important it is for the company.

Job satisfaction

Positive motivation should be the starting point for energising your employees. You’ll achieve so much with this. So link good hygiene to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is undoubtedly a major asset for your employees. Complying with hygiene protocols keeps the work environment clean – which naturally appears nicer – and most important of all: diseases are kept outside. When a crop succumbs to a disease, it causes a large number of problems. These have a negative impact on morale and results and thus also on job satisfaction. So let your employees understand that good hygiene delivers optimal job satisfaction and let them see that they play an important role in achieving good hygiene. After all, the greenhouse will only remain free of diseases with their cooperation!

Social control

Ensure a sense of team by emphasising that everyone is essential for achieving good hygiene and that employees can also talk to each other about whether or not the hygiene protocol is being complied with. Be open and clear about this without being pedantic. In order for this social control to have the greatest effect, your employees must not feel that it is being forced on them.

Instructions in several languages

Of course, a clearly defined hygiene protocol should be available for employees to consult at all times and preferably hung or kept somewhere visible. It is also advisable to work with instruction boards and pictograms that make employees aware of the applicable rules and show clearly what they have to do.

Because foreign employees often work in greenhouse horticulture, it is advisable to make the hygiene protocol available in several languages. The same applies to the instruction boards. If you like, Elpress can supply these boards for a washer and/or hygiene lock in several languages.

Personal hygiene for greenhouse horticulture

hygiene toolkit

The best protection for your crop is good hygiene. Elpress is pleased to offer you tools to get hygiene standards in your business right and keep them that way. So download our handy toolkit with a clear hygiene protocol and tips for good hand hygiene today.

Download the toolkit here

Maarten de Geus

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